Alex Rodriguez would not be going play for the Boston Red
Socks. An to add insult to injury, or as some may say to rub salt on the wound.
He would be the newest member of the New York Yankee’s franchise. The deal with
the Red Socks didn’t happen because the Major League Baseball Players’
Association believed Alex was giving up too much to join the Red Socks. When
Alex decided to sign with New York, His pay was cut from $179 million over ten
years to $112 over that time period. With the Yankees always finding a way to snake
away key players, this hurt the most. As Boston had formed so many pieces to
make this puzzle fit, all for nothing. Boston would avenge not signing by becoming
the first professional sports team to come back from a three to one lead.
Not a bad blog, I just think you should fix some of your grammar errors