Tuesday, November 15, 2016


Alright, first off, can't believe I'm posting on this and I apologize to those who will be offended or miffed my post. I'm being harsh in this blog on non-voters, but I mean no offense and a bit of a warning.

"I didn't vote because I was so angry at the election." In my opinion, that's about the peak of arrogance, especially when it's immediately followed by complaints about the government system. How dare you complain about other people's behaviors and actions if you can't even vote because of your emotional state? Not even vote third party, that's voting at least, but skipping the ordeal altogether. Instead completely forfeiting that right in the Government.

Voting is an important decision to make, and choosing to give up that power is inviting bigotry, dictators, and corruption, the very ones you want to prevent, directly into office. Instead of thinking through that decision and making a hard choice, many people take the easy route and simply don't...and then commenting on the results. That hardly is merited. Of you want something, if you hold it important, than vote for it.

Not voting isn't noble. It's not a statement. It's not formal complaint. It's lazy.

And if you don't win, than exemplifies the qualities that you voted for, not helping the hate fester. Encourage healing. Encourage kindness. Encourage good things.

In summary, I'm so sorry for writing this and I hope that I didn't offend anyone. To say sorry, here's a picture of a puppy in a teacup to make you feel better.

1 comment:

  1. If you didn't vote then you have no reason to complain about who the rest of the country voted for. Just the cold hard truth!
