Wednesday, November 16, 2016

How My White Privilege Influenced My Vote.

         The fortunate truth is that many of my white peers in class may have never felt in danger because of their race. I say "may have never" because I do not know, it is only likely. As for me though, I have. For those of you who do not know, I grew up in two towns. I grew up in Imperial, Missouri (where my home was) and Ferguson, Missouri (where my extended family lives). In Imperial, it is a largely white, rural community. While I lived there, I hardly ever encountered many people of other racial backgrounds. In the past two years though, Ferguson has been a race-war-zone since Michael Brown was shot. Many angered and hurt people of another race than my own became violent as they took to the streets. They burned buildings, killed elderly and young white people, and caused mass chaos in the surrounding area. While there, I have personally been attacked, had bricks and rocks thrown at me, and been spat at by protesters simply because I am a white guy who happened to be in a place I was not welcomed. On a less violent note, if I would take my aunt out for lunch near her home in Ferguson we were often refused service. This even occurred at a McDonald's where the workers told us that our kind was not welcome and that we, as white pigs, needed to all die. So for two years of my life I have experienced the opposite of white privilege. With this experience,  I found my vote unchanged in this election. I voted for President Trump both opportunities there were. I even celebrated unashamed at his victory. I had a clear conscious each time I voted because he was the candidate that met my world view and values the best. Where as I do not respect some of the things he has said, his political policies and ideals are to me superior to that of Clinton or Bernie. I am aware that I titled this "How My White Privilege Influenced My Vote." but the simple truth is that it did not. I would comfortably say that I have decently experienced both sides of racial treatment in my life, and that NEITHER side has really influenced my vote in the slightest.

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