Thursday, October 20, 2016

Seasons After Fall-- Part one

With beautiful music and artwork, Seasons After Fall is a game about a fox with the ability to change the seasons at whim.
At the beginning, he is running after a big light; you then start the game as one of these lights escaping from underground within a roots of a tree. This mysterious light (the narrator calls us a seed) goes to the fox, our "present," and merges with the fox's body to be able to control it. The fox, now merged with the seed of light, heads toward the east to the Guardian of Winter. When finding the Guardian of Winter in a cave in the shape of a sleeping grizzly bear, he gives us an light "fragment of winter" that made it into winter, or what seems light winter (snowy), by barking twice. (Barking twice changes it back as well. The plants' abilities change by the season.)
After receiving the fragment, the fox goes back to the special place to combine us with the winter fragment. The narrator (unknown who she is) tells us that our goal is to collect the fragments of each season.
Image result for seasons after fall winter guardian

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