If you are into psychological horror movies, As Above So Below should be your cup of tea. Not only does it mess with you the whole time, it is suspenseful and scary not only in like jump scares, but reality. Most of the movie is set in the catacombs of Paris. These are now illegal due to people getting stranded and lost within them as well as the possibility of disease being present. The only way to get in them is illegally through an underground tour guide. Scarlett, the archaeologist, is devoted to finding Flamel's Stone. She creates this crew that documents their journey. After she gathers clues, they lead her underground. What the crew and her have not realized yet is that they are walking straight into their own personal hell. For everyone it is different. Nothing is hidden about you while you are within these walls. Your past is used against you. Anything that haunts you becomes real. That is what makes this movie so incredibly mind twisting. The end is what really gets you. I am not going to spoil it, but anyone reading this should go and rent it like right now. All I will say is, the only way out is down.
Watching this movie left my psychologically freaked out! Now, because of you, I just want to keep watching movies like this!