The first episode of season seven in the AMC series, The Walking Dead was one of the most intense episodes that the show has seen. I am an avid viewer of this series and have seen every episode that has ever been made so I can attest to this. The wait is finally over! We found out who Negan killed and it was more than just one person. The suspense was absolutely killing me, but after nearly six months of waiting we found out that both Glen and Eugene were killed off the show.
I would like to discuss the way in which both of these characters were killed. Although The Walking Dead is a series about zombies and there is a lot of killing, some would argue that it is not as graphic as you think it may be. That perception quickly changed for some people after viewing this episode. Negan took a baseball bat wrapped in barb wire and crushed the two men's skulls in until their heads disappeared. This was very graphic and left many viewers disgusted and gut wrenched. When they show Glen after he is hit for the first time, his right eye is popping out of his skull. The entire time I was watching this I was wondering why the director set it up this way. Overall, the first episode of season seven in The Walking Dead was one for the books.
Monday, October 31, 2016
A Mile in His Shoes
On Sunday I watched a movie called "A Mile in His Shoes" for my Exceptional Child class. It is mainly about an 18-year-old with Asperger syndrome who excels at baseball and is recruited to play for a semi-professional baseball team. The movie focuses on the different characteristics of Asperger's and it shows what life is like for the child with this syndrome. After watching it, I have a much greater respect for people with Asperger's and I also have a better understanding on how to interact with these types of people. In the movie, there a clear evidence of friendship between Mickey, the boy with Asperger's, and another guy on the team. Both people involved in the friendship grew together even though their brains are incredibly different.
In my opinion, I think more producers and directors should make more movies similar to this one. "A Mile in His Shoes" is bringing a disability to light and showing the world the correct way to interact with people who have this disability. Children and adults with disabilities get overlooked and people have just stopped talking about it. This movie showed the viewers informative facts about the disability while making it entertaining to grasp. If we had movies where well-known actors and actresses played roles in movies where a disability is explained, more people would be informed about disabilities. Once people get more informed, maybe all the nasty stereotypes will finally disappear and these people with disabilities can no longer fear society's view.

How to Train Your Dragon 2
Hiccup and Toothless return, in a whole new world where Vikings ride dragons. The past success of Hiccup's endeavors has led to viking's and dragons to become allies and friends. Hiccup learns that a man named Drago, who had started a war with the dragons, capturing and enslaving the dragons to rule the world once and for all. Rather than fighting as a viking would, Stoik decides to lock up instead. Hiccup would rather reason with Drago, but his father warns him of the evil that is present in Drago. Hiccup decides to travel away from Berk. In his travels, he finds a mysterious dragon rider, who turns out being his mother, releasing all past tension of growing up without a mother, and reviving a love between a mother and son, who share a common interest. Both of which, are looking to stop Drago's reign of terror among the dragons. Now, Hiccup, his mother, and a band of misfits who have learned to ride dragons, all are in the center of a battle between man, dragon, and dragon riders. Hiccup and Toothless must come together in order to stand up for what is right, and find that together they can overcome any obstacle that is too much for either one to handle alone, while also realizing that only they can change life for man and dragon.
How to Train Your Dragon 1
Hiccup, a young viking, who does not seem to fit into the 'Viking' class, which he is completely surrounded by. His father, Stoik, is the most respected Viking on the Island of Berk. So, Hiccup has some very large shoes to fill. Stoik will not allow Hiccup to join the battle to fight dragons which raid their town often. So, regardless of what his father says, Hiccup decides to go out and find a dragon to slay. With an invention he had made, Hiccup was able to take down a Night Fury, but could not bring himself to killing it. This is when he learns his fondness of dragons, and where an amazing friendship between a boy and a dragon begins. Although Hiccup has a newfound interest in this dragon, he must hide it from his father and the townspeople, because they would immediately disagree with his judgement. This dragon becomes attached to Hiccup and begins following him everywhere. Hiccup learns about the dragon, and names it Toothless. As the two learn about one another, Hiccup learns that the Vikings have misinterpreted the species and are taking it wrong, rather than killing the dragons, they should tame them and use them as allies. The plot of this film is to take the misinterpretations and ignorance that plague this world and turn them into what they really are, gentle and helpful creatures.
Shrek Forever After: The Final Chapter
Shrek Forever After revolves around the idea that you do not know what you have until it is gone. In the movie, Shrek makes a contract deal with Rumplestiltskin to have one day, 24 hours to regain the feeling of being a real ogre again, in exchange for Rumple to have a day of Shrek's life that he does not remember. He tells Shrek to pick a day in the time of his infancy to make it easy. In that day, Shrek finds the enjoyment of scaring the townspeople, but comes to realize soon after that he and all other ogres are being hunted by witches. While Rumple was in Shrek's past, he picked the day Shrek was born, ultimately erasing Shrek from existence. In doing so, Shrek was not present to rescue Fiona and pursue all the actions leading to the events up to this film. The day that Shrek was sent to, was in an alternate universe where ogres were being hunted, Rumplestiltskin was king, and Donkey, Fiona, Puss, and all the other side characters did not know who Shrek was. So throughout the film, he must teach each character that he knows who they are, and they, in turn, knew him in their alternate life. In a course of events, Donkey helps Shrek realize that only true loves kiss will render Rumple's contract void. So, he tries to teach Fiona that they are lovers, however she is a badass who is leading the ogres in a resistance against Rumplestiltskin. So, it is hard for Shrek, but he prevails, and in the end receives a kiss from Fiona as he is withering away after the 24 hours are coming to an end. Which, fixes everything as the contract said. What I relate to in this film is that you really do not know what you have until it is gone. I lost my father and it was very hard to come to realization that he was gone. The impact of not even getting to say goodbye really hit me when I heard the words, "Your father is gone."
Stranger Things
For all of you who have not caught on to the global phenomenon that is Stranger Things. The Duffer Brothers have put together a fantastic story combining the antics of young 80's kids with the struggle of government conspiracy with a splash of mystery and horror to make this wonderful bouquet of a show. The show brings back a genre of movie that has long been forgotten since it's time, the 80's movie. Stranger things is able to capture all the cheesy, scary, and adventurous nature of movie and television from back in the 80's. From the monster to the romance to the Dungeons and Dragons adventure that plays within the show, it replicates a time that I was not able to experience, but my parents are always willing to talk about. The kids in the show are reminiscent of the Goonies in how they act and interact with each other, which is something that I really enjoy. Each of the characters within the show are really fleshed out and are given enough depth to make me really care about each of the characters individually. The show may consist of eight episodes, but within the time span of those episodes a really strong story is presented. The Duffer Brothers have made only a couple statements about next season, but I am all the more excited to see what they will do with the series. #JusticeForBarb
Power Rangers: Reboot
Something that has attracted my interest recently has put me into an odd situation, is rebooting a children's show into a gritty movie a way to ruin a long lasting franchise, or a revival that has been long needed for a beloved T.V. show. I'm of course referring to the new power ranger reboot starring Bryan Cranston, Elizabeth Banks, and Bill Hader. This new take on the classic Power Rangers franchise brings a gritty reality to the almost comic action of the children's show. For me, power rangers was something I would always enjoy on Saturday morning with a bowl of cereal and I would be oozing with excitement to see what would happen. Now as I recall them, they were almost too cheesy to be actually entertaining to adults, but for a child's mind it was something to revel in. As we begin to delve into this child's classic, I can see now where this idea may be successful with adults. The themes within it could expand and could create a strong narrative to follow. This has worked before with moving super heroes to the big screen with grittier takes, so why should it not with with Power Rangers. Some are skeptical, and to be honest I am skeptical as well, but with something like this I can see it becoming a movie that I will really enjoy. It's either that or I'll close my eyes and brace for impact, because we could end up facing another movie with Ivan ooze as the villain.
Comic Book Accuracy
I am a big fan of comics. From a young age, I was interested
in the different art styles found in comics and the humor and seriousness in
tone that could be found. So, when TV shows or films are produced based on
them, I can’t help but be excited. One thing that is always a hassle though
when it comes to recreating scenes from comics, is the accuracy.
I’ll get this right off the bat, I care up to a point about
the lengths they go to be comic book accurate. Like all scenes in media there
are moments that are good but changing them up can increase the emotions you
get from it, like in the Walking Dead when a kill or two is made but in a very different way than in the original comics. Some
details should be cut out though, like in Man of Steel how Superman now longer
sports his bright red briefs. In the comics, pre-52, it’s fine, it’s part of
his history and in drawings don’t seem off. In the real world it would be kind
of hard for us to take someone seriously who dressed like that. Comic book
accuracy is fine and good, but sometimes changes are made for the better.
books to movies (part 3 of 3)
The next is the bad book to movie and that is the Maze Runner. Ok with this series I really like it the story, setting, character, and the development. But the movie started off good a few things here and there but then the mid point it change almost everything. (spoilers) In the movie all the grievers come and kill almost everyone only leaving in the morning. But in the book the doors stayed open for about 1 and half weeks and they killed one a night they hunted them down. I felt the book made it more terrifying because they didn't know who was going to die next. Then in the next one it wasn't maze runner anymore. But I will admit it was really well made the scenes with grievers or any monster were awesome but even if it wasn't maze runner the story was still confusing I didn't follow all the well. So this is what a book to a movie can do it can do awesome things if done right.

books to movies (part 2 of 3)
This one will shock a lot but Harry Potter as an ok book to movie. Don't get me wrong I really like the Harry Potter books and movies but after about the half way point, it started being ok. The books were great I really enjoy the idea of a world of magic (not that I want it just roll with it) and it being there. The books did that and so did the movies the big thing with it for both was after the goblet of fire it became the normal hero story. The movies were all good but the story became predictable and so did the book Harry had to go on a quest that was the rest .
so even books can be flawed but they still have a place in my heart. So this is a midway point of what a movie based on a book looks like if the books were good and the movies were good just had more flaws that brought it down on the scale.
so even books can be flawed but they still have a place in my heart. So this is a midway point of what a movie based on a book looks like if the books were good and the movies were good just had more flaws that brought it down on the scale.
books to movies (part 1 of 3)
I'm want to talk about the change for books to movies. People say that all movies that are based on books are not as good as the book. But from a story standpoint probably but thats only half the movie.
the production part of the movie might be beautiful but since its based on our "favorite" book it becomes a bad moive if the story isn't the exact same.
the production part of the movie might be beautiful but since its based on our "favorite" book it becomes a bad moive if the story isn't the exact same.
I'm going to use 3 different examples from each side the good, the bad, and the ok. I'll starts with the good Lord of the Rings. All of us have probably see or heard how great it was and still is. If you haven't seen it, its all about frodo and the fellowship of the ring trying to destroy the one ring to rule them all. These movies are amazing the story, music, and the setting were all great. I think the reason that we liked it so much that was because we had a epic adventure and it was made really well.
And I hear it was close to the book but it was super long they were all that way that would be my only problem.

New Go Pro Session 5
The new GoPro Session 5 was released to the public on October 2nd. This camera is almost invisible it is so small. The GoPro session 5 is so small it can fit in your pocket and you wouldn't even know it is there. Innovated to be small but very mighty at the same time. For its size there is no other camera that puts out a better quality HD image or video than the GoPro Session 5. One the nicest features about this new product is it only has one button, this allows for people to capture there moments right in time without having to mess with a bunch of button to capture a video or picture. The camera is also has a voice control feature on it. Considered from the makers of GoPro the most durable product they have made yet. The Session 5 is completely water proof. With the new GoPro Session 5 you can place it in spots where you couldn't before because of its small size. I am in the process of purchasing one of these after using my friends and if you are into taking pictures and videos I encourage you to consider the GoPro Session 5!!!!
I really enjoyed watching the Dove
video in class last week. It promotes that women are beautiful just the way
that they are without using any beauty products or having some type of body
alteration. I really respect Dove for promoting this because women should feel
beautiful and empowered just the way they are because God created them that
way. This is much easier said than done. Many times I feel the most beautiful
or empowered when I do my hair, makeup, and wear a nice outfit. Most girls,
including myself, feel pressure to always look presentable because society
expects us to look and dress a certain way. We want others to see us as
beautiful and confident, even if we do not feel that way on the inside. Social
media has a lot to do with the way that women view themselves because we are
constantly being compared to or comparing ourselves to everyone else. We see
girls on social media with flawless skin, perfect hair, and the perfect body
and instantly want what they have. Honestly, how sad is that? As women we need
to remember that God created us in his perfect image and we do not need society
to tell us to change or look a different way. Christian girls need to remember
that God looks at our heart and cares about what is on the inside. Two verses
that remind me of this are 1 Peter 3:3-4 and Song of Solomon 4:7. 1 Peter 3:3-4
says, “Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate
hairstyles or the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be
that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit,
which is of great worth in God’s sight”. Song of Solomon 4:7 says, “You are altogether
beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you”.
Money and Faith
Last week in class we discussed a
little bit on the topic of money and how we should have bigger
dreams and goals in life than to simply make a lot of money. This made me think
a lot about how I should be living my life as a Christian and how we should be
stewards with our money because it is ultimately God’s money, not ours. Do you value the
things of this world, or are you paying it forward for eternal life? You cannot
separate your faith from your money. The bible tells us that money and possessions
will fight for your heart. Jesus says in Luke 12:15, “Watch out! Be on your
guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of
possessions”. If you begin to become obsessed with your money and possessions,
then you begin to put your hope in those things rather than Jesus. It is
important that as Christians we remember that life is more than the clothes we
wear or the food that we eat. We should trust that God will provide with
exactly what we need for each day. We need to store up our treasures in heaven, not on
this earth. Luke 12:34 says, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will
be also”. God wants us to be stewards with our money and possessions and do our
best to use them to bring honor and glory to Him.
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