Sunday, September 18, 2016

                                          The Lunch Date

People disliking each other because of the color of their skin is ridiculous. This is what The Lunch Date by Adam Davidson is about. A woman who discriminates others thinks that a black man is eating her salad based only on his skin color. The most ridiculous part is when she later eats from the same plate with him. Where did all the discrimination go? What a laugh!
I think the world has belittled who to me is the best race. The Afro American community has contributed greatly to the American heritage. I think that having a darker skin color should be considered a blessing. Afro Americans are very talented. They have amazing athletic skills and have proved to be among the greatest athletes around the world. Their great artistic skills gave us the best comedians, dancers, actors, writers, musicians, singers, and many others. They have a great potential to change the world and take it as their own. Black people don’t need us, we need them.
It is very sad to see that discrimination is still happening in our society. Stereotypes make us believe that the minorities are inferior, and we tend to underestimate the potential of these people. Skin color doesn’t determine the intelligence or skillfulness of an individual.
So the next time we underestimate someone because of their skin color let’s stop and think that maybe that person is better than us at something. Let’s bring together all of our potentials to make the world a better 

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