Thursday, September 22, 2016

Money and goodbye

Contains minor spoilers for Community s5, e5!

Community is my all-time favourite show, so I feel I have to talk about one of the best and emotional episodes they got.
In that episode one of the main characters, Troy, is going away so his best friend, Abed, wants to do something big for his going away present so he decides to host a school wide hot lava game (The show mostly happens in a community college). He wants everyone to take it seriously so he has a grand prize for the winner, a comic book that is worth $50,000. This episode shows how crazy people will act in order to get their hands on some money. If there had been no prize people maybe would have tried it and quit if they got bored, but with so much money on the line they will do anything to get it.

The episode´s main theme is saying goodbye and letting go. Everybody has a hard time saying goodbye to someone they care about and people show it in different ways, for Abed  it´s a hot lava game that isn´t exactly a game to him because he sees the lava as real, he wants the game to go on forever so Troy never leaves. For everybody it´s a game they want to win for the money, for Abed it´s a way to keep Troy there forever, as long as him and Troy are the last ones and never kill each other.

This episode shows that everything can´t always be the same, and sometimes people who are closest to you go away and it´s important that you let them do that, especially since that is what they might be destined to do.

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