My Thoughts on "Death of Me" by Andy Mineo

This song is about the way Andy started and how he's "tryna give life but this could be the death of me". He also is saying that the secular rappers that he listened to when he was growing up have it all wrong when they do their music. ("I'm sittin' here buggin' just rememberin' what them rappers showed me. How to bag a honey, stack the money.They said I was a mac by the number of shorties that I could smash. Now I'm waitin' on that matrimony.") He also has some fun with the song when he makes his Batman reference. (Sleepin' on planes, I'm feelin' like Bruce Wayne. Blackout at night on that stage.Man I need a batcave just to get away)
Now comes the best part of this song: the Christian aspect of Andy. While his career's been sky rocketing his time with God in meditation and pray has spiraled down. He says "My priorities wrong, I talk about you more than I talk with you", which I think is a great concept because as humans we get busy with what ever we are doing whether that be work, family, sports, classes or something else. we just need to spend our time wisely because "opportunities come and they go but none of them is worth my soul". I personally love this song because it has a "realism" aspect to it. It has that imagry and relatability to it that is the best way to really connect with a song. Everybody's been there with not spending enough time in meditation and prayer, the changing of "seasons", women or men not being genuine.
Song with lyrics.
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