As time passes, she grows, yet still continues to ride to the spot her father sailed away from, searching for him. I believe that she is searching for her father's guidance, and his input on who she should become. When she returns each time, the lake decreases in it's vastness; it eventually dries out and becomes a plain. When she is able to walk out onto the dried lakefront, she sees a boat; her father's boat. At this time, she is an old woman and she finds comfort in laying next to this boat. Night passes, and she finds that she is once again a young woman, and runs into her father's arms to conclude the film, indicating her death and being reunited with her father.
I can relate to this, because after my father passed I felt as if I needed to search for him wherever I could. Searching for the guidance on who I should become. I did not have a father figure to look up to in the years of immense growth, so I had to become my own man and teach myself the values and morals of life needed to pursue the life of a good man. With this sort of life, I valued the fact that I had to go through this struggle, because I am stronger because of it. Do I like that it happened? No, not at all. I'd give everything to see him again, but like this story, I know at some point, I will reunite with my father, just as the daughter did.

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