Thursday, September 22, 2016

The Mysterious Wise One Sighting

The wise one is a knowledgeable person who wanders our campus in the beauty of the day. You can see her walking to and fro on the Mall. She walks with purpose and with confidence.
The wise one is a girl in the HU Honors Program. She knows how the world works and what to expect that the teachers are expecting in class. You can see her shooting film for her Production 1 class. She beams with pride over a compliment of her success and beauty.
The Wise One is magnificent and funny. The Wise One is a good friend. She is the person you want to go to when you need help. She is a person you know who sits in the classes and absorbs everything piece of information from the people around her.

The Wise One is among us. Who do you think she is?

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