In most fairy tales we have grown up with, it always has a happy ending. Well my question is: Are they true to real life? Whenever something in my life or even a friend's life has been going great it seems to somehow become worse. in the fairy tales the happy ending always comes after the protagonist does some great feat to become happy and get what he was promised or what he desired. But in real life I have seen people overcome suicide attempts and get past their depression to have it only come back again to where they cannot handle it. In my mentor's life he was being blessed left and right but then in his peak of what he thought was his life turning around his son passed away. How is that a happy ending? Even in the realm of Christianity is there a happy ending? Yeah we have Heaven but when it comes to how we think about it in this world, not everyone we want to be there with us will be there so how is it a true happy ending?
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