Thursday, September 22, 2016

Christians in a Changing World

This paper states that the Christian calling in the world is to stand for freedom and to also stand for humanity. Meaning that we must we must defend the freedom of even the people that we don’t like, not just the ones with the same beliefs as us. This also means that we must stand for people who are being forced to do as others do, to be normal. It’s okay to stand out and to be yourself, you don’t have to conform. We also have to be critical of our times. We must fight for what is right; justice, love, beauty, and truth. We have to show that we aren’t afraid to be Christians. Don’t be afraid to stand up and talk about your beliefs with someone else. Don’t be afraid to talk about God with someone else. Be who you are and do what you want to do. Don’t conform because others want you to. Stand out. Don’t be afraid to be yourself. People will love you for you, and if they don’t, that’s their problem not yours. Be free, this might sound cheesy, but spread your wings and fly. Be the Christian you want to be, don’t be who others want you to be. It’s your life, live it the way that you want to live it.

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