Bunny is a short film about an elderly bunny living by herself. At the beginning of the film, they hinted to the fact that her husband has died. Baking a pie, a moth is hesitant to bug her. She is annoyed by the moth and kills it and falls into the pie mix. She throws the pie in and cooks it. Steamed and flustered, she falls asleep on the table. While waking up from her nap, she realizes oven has turned into a supernatural flash light. She opens the oven and realizes the moth flying inside the light. She crawls into the oven and flies away with the moth.
I truly believe the filmmaker was talking about the after-life. He uses the moth to describe death. The female bunny did not want to leave because she was scared. She knew the time was coming but she was ignoring the moth by baking the pie and throwing the moth through the window. Death is apart of life, whether you like it or not its going to happen no matter how hard you fight it. The moth will never just stop. Time is the essence, so let's use it the best way possible.
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