Personally, I have not watched a lot of fairy tale movies or ready many books. Of the fairy tales I am familiar with Puss in Boots and Shrek are my favorites. After reading Buchner's The Gospel as Fairy Tale I have now gained an understanding on some elements of fairy tales. We know the basics, every Fairy Tale has good characters and bad characters, magic and enchantments occur, and typically there is a universal truth that occurs. But from Buchner I learned that there is more that can be interpreted from fairy tales. Things like gender politics, discrimination, preserved history, human relations, and moral lessons can all be sought out by a fairy tales. It is just a matter of viewers and readers digging deeper into the minds of film creators and authors to try to break down the message that is being conveyed. I am guilty of this a viewer, typically I watch films more for pleasure and entertainment rather than trying to learn something. As I continue in this class I am going to try to be able to pick up on deeper messages films present.
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