Wednesday, September 14, 2016

How quickly do we judge someone or something?

Missing the train can always lead to a downfall. But, who knew it could lead to a life lesson? The short film portrays a lady who goes through a series of misfortunes. The worst of these is missing her transportation. Afterward, her lunch is being eaten by someone else. In this case, it just happens to be a homeless man. She sits down with the unknown citizen and starts to share the salad and have a cup of tea. Upon leaving and returning, it's revealed that she was sitting in the wrong spot the entire time and shared the salad with him.
This idea for a film can confuse some people. Some, may not even see the true meaning behind it. To be honest, it took me a couple seconds to figure out what exactly had happened. The movie shows how, as Americans, we can be so ignorant concerning personal needs. Imagine the character, without a home, was dressed as a normal citizen. The woman probably would have questioned it since the meal was a salad, but she most likely would have double checked around the area. We are quick to judge in this day and age. So quickly that it's hard to remind ourselves of our equality as human beings. She probably could have made a new friend if not for her segregation. 

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