Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Luxo Jr. Review

In the Disney Pixar short film, Luxo Jr., a baby lamp must learn how to keep moving forward after a deflation of a little bouncy ball. At the beginning, there is a bigger lamp that is just sitting by the plug-in shining. Suddenly, a little bouncy ball starts bouncing into the picture. The lamp pushes it away, only for it to come back again. After a little volley of this, Luxo Jr. hops into the picture, chasing the bouncy ball. Jr. starts to push the ball and hop on top of it. In all his excitement, Luxo Jr. crushes the little bouncy ball beneath himself. Luxo watches as Jr. becomes very sad and hops away. At the end, Luxo Jr. comes back with a bigger, better bouncy ball and continues to hop along.

This short film from 1986, shows a little lamp having a good time, only to have it taken away because he got to excited. In seeing this, he learns that sometimes things may knock you down, but you can always find bigger, better things in life. God is that bigger, better thing in life.

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