Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Kubo's tragedy

In the movie Kubo and the two strings, Kubo suffered several tragedies in his life. His first tragedy we where introduced to happened when he was still just an infant, when his grandfather stole one of his eyes. We later learned that Kubo's grandfather wanted Kubos' eye so that he would be blind to humanity and could come live with him in the heavens. So through out the movie Kubo's grandfather, with the help of two of his daughters(Kubo's aunts), hunt down Kubo in order to get him to join them in the heavens.
Right towards the beginning of the movie we are told that Hanzo, Kubos' father, was killed by his grandfather and then minutes later his mother was presented in a way in which I assumed she was killed by her sisters. Kubo is powerless to help his mother has she used the last of her magic to fly Kubo far away from her and her sisters in order to save his life. Kubo is stricken by grief, but has little time to morn for as soon as he awakes new challenges await him.
Later in the movie Kubo is reunited briefly with his mother and father. However, he was only reunited with them for a short amount of time before they were taken away from his again. Kubo was so angry that he wanted to take revenge on his grandfather.

Image result for kubo and the two strings

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