Thursday, September 15, 2016

The Present Short

The Present Short

It was a very well thought out movie. It was making you not like the kid from the start because it portrayed him as rude and a kid who just wants to play video games all day. It then shows how his mom was so nice and got him a present and once he opens it and sees the dog he just gets so mad and drops the dog. This makes you hate his character even more because you see how ungrateful he is to have received a gift. Yeah the dog didn’t have a leg but he wasn’t getting why it was such a nice gift. Then you see the dog being so eager to want to play and the kid starts to light up just a little bit. He then decides to go outside and play with the dog. You see then once the kid gets up why he was mad about the present and not wanting to go outside. The dog was teaching him a lesson, that even with his disability he still can be and do what other people do. The dog never gave up and he saw that if the dog won’t give up he shouldn’t have to either.

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