I found our conversation in class
about Telling the Truth: The Gospel as a Comedy to be very
interesting and intriguing. We discussed in class how tragedy is unavoidable.
This is a given. God tells us many times in the bible that we will face trials
and tribulations. However, comedy is something that is unexpected. An example that the book uses is the story of
Abraham and Sarah. Abraham and Sarah, who were in their 90’s, were just told by
an angel sent from God that they will be having a baby. Sarah does what a
normal human would do and laughs. She cannot believe that she will be having a
child at the age of ninety. We discussed in class how growing up, most of us
were taught that Sarah’s laughter was a bad thing. However, God ended up coming
beside her brokenness and he laughs with her. As an inside joke, God tells her
to name their son Isaac, which means laughter. As Christians, most of us are so
serious with God all of the time, but it turns out God has a sense of humor.
God understands that we are humans and we are broken people. He wants to come
along side of us like he did Sarah and be there with us through everything. It
is important that we remember that we can turn to God in any situation, and he
will never leave us or forsake us.
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