Wednesday, September 14, 2016

JOY - Do What You EnJOY

I recently watched the film Joy and let me tell you it's nothing short of a joy to watch.  I honestly picked up this film to watch just because I love the actress, Jennifer Lawrence, and how she can fit into any role in my opinion.  This movie starts out with a family that is divorced and a mess living under one small household.  Joy is taking care of her widowed mother, who watches soap operas all day, as well as her two children, divorced husband, and takes on a full time job at her father's shop.  The film's meaning quickly becomes apparent as it reflects upon Joy's childhood when she was happy and a creative child.  A bit into the film she starts to do something about her unhappiness and discovers that it is because her family held her back from her true potential of being an entrepreneur and business tycoon.  She sets her mind on a new invention, which is a self ringing mop, and at first fails to get it sold.  She then goes onto live television to have it sold by one of those quick selling commercial loops by other actors and actresses and gets into a huge debt.  Her drive and determination to succeed in her idea is what gets her out of bankruptcy and contract disputes.  She eventually succeeds to a point in where she moves out and is one of the most successful business tycoons in the region.  Her family at first doesn't support her idea at its first failure attempt but eventually is very supportive.  This to me has a deeper meaning than I ever expected it to have.  I believe that the film is trying to use this true story based on someone that was in a dark place in her life, in order to encourage other people like Joy to go out and live their dreams.  I highly recommend this film to anyone who has experienced the question of what their life means or just simply is just in search for a good film.

Image result for Joy film

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