Thursday, September 1, 2016

Kubo and the two strings

The movie was beautifully done, there were so many funny puns. Also the stop motion added a different element that was good because whenever you see cartoons with Asian characters it tends to look like an anime. The plot was very enriching, everything that you’re sick of seeing in a movie they left out or changed for example there was no sappy girl it was just a boy and his quest. It was just a plain old action story filled with longing and suspense and some culture mixed in. The plot twist of the mom transforming into the wooden monkey and the dad being the beetle was very cool because his parents help him avenge there "death". This movie also promoted second chances, instead of just killing the grandfather off they erased his memory and gave him a second chance. Then post-production animation was mind blowing and colorfully intriguing, it flowed together very nicely and if you waited until the end of the credits you could see part of the set (the skull monster). This was one of Travis Knights best movies since Coraline. I felt the story was also less morbid than his previous movies, it is defiantly a movie I would highly recommend.
All in all this was a very good movie any everyone should go out and see it.

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