Sunday, September 18, 2016

Don't Breathe

Just last night, I went to the movies to watch the newest horror film, "Don't Breathe".  This is actually the first new movie that I have seen since this class has started back in August.  At first, I was slightly annoyed that I was thinking about my DMA class during a movie on a saturday night, but I actually believe that it enriched my viewing experience.  I am not going to spoil the movie, though I definitely recommend it.  As I was watching the movie, I remembered when Professor Leeper said that the film-makers never do anything on accident. Unlike any other movie experience, I actually paid attention to the minor details of the movie and tried to catch the significance.  Some of the details and symbolism was over my head, but I caught and understood more than I expected.  The director of the film included so many little hints and images that not all movie-goers would catch.  But because of this class, I was able to actively analyze the film as it was occurring, and eventually better understand the meaning of the film.  I know I am tremendously far from being a film critic, but I now have greater respect for those people behind the scenes.

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