Tuesday, September 13, 2016

"The Lunch Date"

When first watching The Lunch Date, you at first merely see it as a frustrated white woman having a funny encounter with a black man to who she presumes had stolen her lunch. Instead of going to a worker of the diner to fix the situation after the man shows no signs of giving up the salad, she instead eats it with him. No words were exchanged, they just sat there and ate together, had a drink, and then parted ways. The woman then realizes that her salad hadn't been stolen at all and that she had just eaten a random guy's own salad, thus makes the situation more hilarious.

However, under the comedy of the situation is a deeper message. As we've discussed in class, the time frame of the film was during the time of segregation, which in turn makes the scenario even more bizarre. If there had been any other people in the diner, the woman would have more than likely have been harassed for sitting with a man of the opposite color, or maybe if there were other people around it would have influenced her to take different actions, possibly ending up making the situation less humorous. 

There were no other people though and thus we saw two not so different worlds intertwine with each other, the process giving us a few laughs along the way. 

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