Monday, September 12, 2016

Sully - an unbelievable true story and movie

To be really honest going into the movie theater to see Sully I was very skeptical.  I didn't quite know if they would really be able to capture and put together just how incredible it was that in 2009 Capt. Chelsey "Sully" Sullenberger landed a plane on the hudson river safely and all 155 individuals survived. 

Clint Eastwood did an amazing no, incredible job at not only portraying what happened that day and the intensity from landing the plane safely and then getting all the passengers, flight attendants, and pilots out of the plane to safety in a quick time of 25 minutes but also portraying the weeks after of the NTSB investigating Sully on wether what he really did was right. Eastwood did an amazing job at keeping you thinking throughout the entire movie about how this could of been a real thing. It was simply incredible and mind-blowing. 

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