Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Lunch Date: Segregation

When I watched Adam Davidson's short film "Lunch Date" I was reminded of one picture in particular which also takes place in a diner. The picture in question was taken during the middle of the civil rights movement. It shows a black woman being verbally harassed and having drinks poured on her for sitting at a "white only" diner. Also included in the picture is a  white woman and man sitting with the black woman being hazed as well for associating for with her. This picture wasn't even taken sixty years ago. Even though The Lunch Date has a relatively happy ending and comedic side, the woman's preconceived notions are likely not to be gone for that long. The Lunch Date and this Diner picture are a reminder that even though we are taking steps in the right direction, our ugly history is not as far behind us as we wish it was and we still have a long way to go to end racism.

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