Shalom! My name is Hunter Rose and
I am a freshman in the animation department here at Huntington University, and
no I am not Jewish but I do find that greeting entertaining. I was a student at New Castle High School
before graduating and moving here. I am a very big fan of movies, some of my favo
rites being; Pirates of the Caribbean, Lord of the Rings, a lot of Super Hero movies, and most other fantasy themed shows and movies.
rites being; Pirates of the Caribbean, Lord of the Rings, a lot of Super Hero movies, and most other fantasy themed shows and movies.
Jack Sparrow is my role model, I just thought I would put that out there.
I am also a fan of Sci-Fi, but not as much. I love table top games and board games. My two examples are DnD and RISK. I have a collection of different risk games, and I have played most of them at least ones. I am a MASSIVE fan of video games ranging across the spectrum from Xbox to PlayStation and even Computer. Some of my favorites are Halo, Assassin’s Creed, Destiny, and call of Duty.
I feel that I have a broad set of interests and hobbies. In high school I was a six-year choir member, gospel choir member, show choir member, I ran track for three years, and cross country for four. I was in chess club as well as the Newcastle thespians. I have played many parts in both plays and musicals.
I could go on but, I’m running out of things to talk about and I have reached my 200-word count J. So you’ll just have to talk to me in person for more detailed info. Good day.
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