Am I the same? No. No one is the exact same, but we are here for a common purpose. That purpose is what we strive to accomplish. Becoming successful in the position that we have placed ourselves in. For me, it happens to be film. It is the one job that does not feel like a job whatsoever.
A little background information about me, is that I attended a vocational school for my final two years of high school. In those two years, my knowledge of film, grew immensely, learning how to edit video within the first two weeks of classes. I believe that was what really made my interest to film grow so quickly. As a junior, I became a 1st place regional and state Digital Cinematographer in the SkillsUSA competition, thus allowing me to become a national qualifier in the same competition. When my senior year came around, it was almost an exact replica of the previous year, I was once again, a 1st place regional and state cinematographer, which again, allowed me to qualify for nationals. Did I win either year at nationals? No. But, it was the experience that helped me grow, and learn more about becoming a filmmaker.

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