Wednesday, August 31, 2016


Hi everybody,

My name is Bailey Rothrock and I am a freshman here at Huntington University.  I am from Monticello, Indiana a small town an hour and a half southwest of Huntington.  If Monticello doesn't ring a bell to any of you, how about Indiana Beach on beautiful Lake Shafer? That's right there is "More than just Corn in Indiana."

I am majoring in Agribusiness Management, a program that just was recently opened at Huntington in 2015.  I am very excited about this educational opportunity to be the second class of students to ever study agriculture at Huntington.  I think Dr. Porter will be a great professor and will have a very valuable insight on my future occupation in the field of agriculture.  With a degree in Agribusiness Management I would one day like to be a seed salesman for Monsanto.

I have one sister, Macie who is a freshman in high school.  I also have an English Bulldog named Barkley.  In high school I played football, basketball, and baseball.  My favorite of the three happened to be football.  I am a avid Indianapolis Colts, Indiana Pacers, and Chicago Cubs fan.  When not studying in my free time I enjoy working out or competing in athletic games of any sort.  Also, in my free time away from school you can find me hunting and fishing with my dad or hanging out with friends.

I don't have any experience in the field of Digital Media Arts but I am excited to learn in this new to me subject.  Cant wait to start watching films and blogging with you all!!!

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