Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The Man that buys a house: the Fairy Tale

so the video we watch was I thought a fairy tale view of the story, where it did show the views of Comedy and yet a little tragedy( for the pit bull Cat) but mostly a transform of character of the Rat and the whole video, Like a plot twist it will  turn your head around like in the  Exorcism, that is the view of a fairy tale. the fairy tale in which in the beginning of the story the bugs had a little you know what, and started a whole screen change with the house on the hill showing us that fairy tales has plots changes like bed time story, it can be one thing then it will lead to another different thing.  I probably like this plot change with the narrator told us about the rat was a Lady Rat, in the almost end of the story that the rat had in the beginning was a normal yet giant rat where the viewer mostly thought it was male because of the narrator didn't say  any gender of the Rat  and then Boom it Transform. turning the whole story before into another.

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