Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Last week I went a saw HU's rendition of the play Middletown. The set was very minimalist but worked in favor with the writing. The Dialogue was phenomenally and many of the characters made you laugh and others made you cry. What I found truly fascinating was that it the story is one of balance. Where there is joy in life for one, another can be found depressed. Where there is love there also hate. Where there is get the idea. The play takes place in small town USA where not much really happens, much like my hometown. People move in and people move out that never changed. What was interesting about these individuals were that they all had something deep down that was driving them. I believe that it was hope. Just as the woman who has just moved into town has hope that her baby will have a great life. So does the man who repairs her sink. He hopes that life has something more for him to hold onto than just doing odd jobs. Both are driven to find something to fulfill that need for more, the desire to live life to its fullest.  At the end of the play I was left with the question "Am I living life to the fullest?". Middletown has impacted me to make the most of each day and not waste any opportunity. 

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