Thursday, September 29, 2016

Fantasy World

Today in class we briefly talked about a house that looks like it would only exist in a fantasy world, and I made the comment that it would be kind of neat to live in a house like that. When I said that, I was quickly met with the comment that no it wouldn’t. This kind felt like a slap in the face, because for me I think it would be neat to live in a house like that and that is my opinion. For some of us it is easier to imagine the world as nothing but gumdrops and ice cream than it is to accept the real world. For me, I live in the real world but have my escapes. That is why I think it would be neat to live in a house like that, it would by my own little way to get away from the horrors of the world. I am sure other people live this way as well, most people probably never admit or even see it in other people, but we have something in our lives that helps us bare the horrors of the real world and allows us to function normally in our day to day lives.

 Image result for fantasy house with a bridge

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