Thursday, September 22, 2016

God's Not Dead Movie Series too Unreal?

            I can only assume, but I think that many of us have seen or at least heard of the God’s Not Dead series of movies, whether a friend told you about it or saw it at a store.  You may have heard about the movie from the Christian band, The Newsboys, who perform in both of the movies.  As much of a fan as I am of the two movies, I always wonder, are these movies too cheesy, or do they show our world falsely?  Don’t get me wrong, I love the idea of Christian movies, but I’m going to dive into what I think about them right now.
            When I first heard about the movies, I was excited for a couple of reasons.  I love the music of The Newsboys, have seen them in concert at least five times, and the movie is literally named after one of their songs.  Secondly, I really liked and was moved by the message of the other Christian movies, such as, Fireproof and Courageous.  Most Christian movies have a certain level of cheesiness, but some people like those kinds of movies. 
Personally, I like movies that have events which seem true to life, events which can potentially occur.  As Christians, we believe that God works, but the way the movie shows God at work was troubling for me.  For example, throughout God’s Not Dead, I knew there would be a good, or happy ending.  Here’s my point.  How can we show who God is, that he is truly alive to non-Christians, yet not have them walk away thinking there will always be a happy ending?  Too many people think if they believe in Jesus all their problems will go away, so when one bad thing happens in their life, they turn away from Christianity.  To Christians, I think the movie is good.  It’s helpful to get us thinking about talking and sharing our faith with others.  But, I wonder if this movie is really for everyone, meaning the non-Christian?
            You might think I’m dissing the movie, but I’m not.  It is still a great movie that has potential to help you grow stronger in your faith or learn a valuable lesson.  However, the cheesy side of the movie, in my opinion, should be minimized.
God' Not Dead 2 takes place concerning freedom of church of state,
after an incident in school, it's taken to the courtroom.
This is the main character in God's Not Dead 1 and in a philosophy class, the students
are told to write down "God is Dead", but this character wouldn't do it,
so he had to convince the class that God is real.
This is the Newsboys, one of my favorite Christian groups.

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