Monday, September 26, 2016

Geri's Game - Coby Solms

Geri’s Game is a Pixar short film that appeared before A Bugs’ Life in November 1997. It centers around Geri, an elderly gentleman playing chess in a park during a beautiful fall afternoon. As he begins to set up the board, it becomes apparent that he’s all alone – causing the viewer to feel bad for him initially. Then, he changes seats each time, using his glasses to differentiate between the two players. Then, he fakes a heart attack when his opponent is about to win, causing a commotion and cheating to gain an advantage, and winning a pair of false teeth.

This short film provokes a query in my mind: Why is he unaccompanied out in a public park on such a beautiful day? Is it because he is a widower? Or is this chess game just a false illusion of his imagination? Either way, he’s having fun challenging himself to a game of chess. After pondering this question, I don’t think it matters what's going on in this film. All that matters is that he’s having fun and exercising his brain.

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