Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Trapped - Short Film

Trapped is about a teenage girl who is pregnant. During the entire film it’s like you are inside her mind, it makes you begin to think about what if I was in that positon. The film starts with her questioning why it happened to her, she even points out that when she was with this guy she never imagined this is where I would lead to. She stated “it felt so real and so right at the time” when talking about the boy and I couldn’t help but think how many times have I said that when referring to something I regret

It’s hard to think that when something feels so right it could end up being so wrong. Apart of my story is I went through a period where I only relied on guys to fulfill the love I so desired and not God. With every one of those guys I would convince myself it feels so right when it wasn’t. I knew it wasn’t right, I knew what I was doing wrong but for some reason once our brain hears those words “it felt right at the time” it seems everything is justify and it wasn’t our own fault causing us to feel like the girl in the short film felt, trapped. 

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