"When I woke up
My kids were being quiet
I knew it was a dream right away
I called the limousine company"
I've interpreted this to mean that when she "wakes up" she is actually dead and watching from the "other side." The limousine company is called to carry her casket away.
"Then I got dressed
I dressed the kids as well
The limousine pulled in
And we piled in"
The kids are getting dressed for the funeral of their mother.
"The doctor he asked which way we were headed
I said, Sir, let's just go west and he listened obediently,"
West oftentimes symbolizes death and on to the afterlife.
"Sophie only wants to listen to radio BBC
Michael sat on my knees and whispered to me
All about the meanies
Jacqueline was being such a big girl
with her cup of tea looking out of the window
And Barbara
She looks just like my mom"
The woman who died from cancer is seeing and imagining these interactions with her kids. I imagine Jacqueline to be the oldest and she is the one who has to accept the responsibility of taking care of all her younger siblings. The comment about Barbara looking like her mom, it is believed that the cancer was hereditary and the woman's mother had it and died from it and Barbara probably carries the gene as well.

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