"Why do I speak openly about my past? "
These are two questions I've been asked for three years.
Because I am Priceless
and so are you.
For King and Country your movie has reminded me why I started my ministry. (You guys are what influenced me) It reminded me Why I'm in college and why my odd career path is going to be scary. Most people know I'm a Broadcasting major but don't know why.
The reason is God, you, and the generation after you. Why I am in broadcasting is because I want to start a worldwide ministry through media that promotes worth. I want every soul put on this earth to know they are priceless and they are cherished. It makes me sad seeing all the self- shaming, heartache, confusion etc. there is in the world because we ( including myself ) have forgotten that we are worth something. I want to show Gods love to a world of people who have forgotten it is there.
So again, thank you For King and Country for influencing my life the past 5 years and for reminding me why I do what I do.
Fighting for truth.
Showing every girl she is a warrior.

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