Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Blood brothers

Last week we watched a short film about young teens that are dealing with troublesome and adversity in their life that have to go through rehab to help cope with their emotions. Watching this film in class had me relate to one of the key characters in the film. His name was Mark, and the reason I say he was a key character in the film is because of the emotions of aggression he emphasized about himself and in some sort of way, whether if it were a small or big impact on yourself, you kind of were able to feel his pain as a teenager. Although his situation might be a bit different than others, especially the way he let it all out on the rap song he made about his father, really hit the nail on the coffin for myself and the emotions I've always felt towards my older brother. Growing up my older brother and I were close and did absolutely everything together. We had a bond that was inseparable and nothing could ever phase us as brothers. He had my back and I had his. But growing up as half brothers my older brother's dad was never in his life. My dad was the one to fill in that void for him. I am forever grateful for what my dad has done for us, but my whole life I could always see in my brother's eyes that he has always found the thought of his biological father a very dark place for him. It sucks to hear, "why didn't my father want me?", coming out of his mouth. It has definitely effected his life in so many ways that has lead him in the wrong direction. And although I know that it will always be a gray cloud over his head, as a brother you could only wish you could heal the pain in any way. At times you feel the pain of rock bottom he has felt because of it all. Understanding to love and appreciate those closest to you are valuable in this life we live. I've seen the pain first hand to know what it's like to not have a parent their your entire life. The only thing that keeps you sane is curiosities that don't end up turning out well. Many people have it worst than others, we may think we face adversity at times but their are others who deal with way worse than we can imagine. But as for my brother I will be their for him through his struggles til he gets to his days of triumph. In my family, their is no term "half brothers", the only phrase we know is, "blood brothers."

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