Friday, December 9, 2016

The Unlucky 82

           Recently in campus news, or it may really be just campus drama, there was a party or two that took place in forester village. These parties ended up involving a total of eighty two students. To my knowledge of what I have heard, there were students who were drinking and are now facing penalties for such. I also have heard from a couple of students there were involved that not every student who attended these events where consuming or in possession of alcohol, yet they are still facing penalties. The punishments that these students are supposedly facing I can see as somewhat earned because they are considered guilty by association. Also, since they did not immediately call campus police when they saw other students drink, they were technically, according to the handbook, "inhibiting campus authorities in their work". Where as it was unfortunate that those who were drinking were caught, it is more unfortunate that those who where fully sober are now facing consequences as well. To the readers of this blog, I apologize for the long winded and vague sentences. I am simply speaking to my experiences of the matter, which sadly are limited. To any of the eighty two who might be reading this, better luck next time.

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