Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens ~ Coby Solms

            Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens is the 7th film in the saga and the 7th in production. This was the first Star Wars film I saw in theaters. Yes, shame on me. Sacrifice me to The Force.

            The film begins with Poe Dameron talking to elderly man on the Jakku system when BB-8 warns that the First Order (Former Empire) has arrived. Poe gives BB-8 a weird artifact and tells him to get out of there before something bad happens. Enter Kylo Ren and his Stormtroopers, they capture Poe and we meet FN-2187 (dubbed Finn by Poe). Finn helps Poe escape and get back to Jakku so they can deliver BB-8 to the Resistance (former Rebel Alliance). This doesn’t go as planned. Enter Rey, a female scavenger on Jakku. She finds BB-8 and Finn as well. The First Order finds them and they end up on Han Solo’s stolen ship, The Millenium Falcon. Then, after they make it off Jakku, they’re boarded by Han and Chewbacca, who ultimately agree to help them get BB-8 to the Resistance. Eventually, they end up on Starkiller Base (Ultra-Mega-Über Death Star) where Han confronts Kylo Ren (his son, Ben Solo) and is killed. Then there’s a bunch of Lightsaber battling and Starkiller Base blows up. Turns out, BB-8 had the last piece of the map to find Luke Skywalker (He’s been hiding for a long time). Rey finds him and the film is over.

            Moral: This is basically a rehashing of A New Hope and Phantom Menace, kind of (without Jar-Jar!).

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