Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Do I miss you or your role in my life?

I Miss You is a short film by Beyond Tomorrow Films, this film is about a boy who is writing to his past girlfriend about how he misses her but I think the key element he says is “I miss loving someone and someone loving me back”. At the end of the film the last scene you see is him deleting the window and never letting the girl know how he really feels. This short film brings up this subject of when we say we miss someone from our past do we really miss them or miss the role they had in our life?


I find for me this is so true, I often want to text someone I haven’t talked to in a long time and see how they are doing. I will get to point I write the message out and then I delete it like the boy did to his email in the film, I delete it because as I’m writing I am then reminded that they are in the past for a reason and they need to stay there. I tend to be a person that will hold onto you no matter how many times you hurt me so if you are in my past you are there for a very good reason.  This whole idea of do we miss the person or their role is so curious to me. 

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