Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Managing Stress as Semester comes to an End

As we approach finals week next week many of us are very stressed as we finish up projects for many classes and begin to study for finals.  It is very important that you don't let stress levels over whelm you too much.  During these stressful times I encourage you to find your happy place or take action in getting your stress out.  Whether your stress reliever is eating a bunch of food, lifting weights, running, playing video games, watching movies, laughing with friends, playing with children or animals I encourage you to take some time this week or next week on down time between finals and do so.  If you over stress yourself out you are less likely to perform as well academically on your finals.  Have faith in your ability to achieve success.  We are blessed at Huntington to have such great professors who care for us as students and take the time to teach us well in various subjects.  Study hard and pray.  Pray for academic success and the ability to focus and retain the content necessary to score a good grade on your tests.  We are about to get a few weeks off so just give it your all in these last few days in class.

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