Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Welcome to Nightvale


    Audio dramas are one of the longest running forms of electronic entertainment. There was once a time before the invention of the television, when audio skits would be broadcast to everyone's home though this magical little device called a radio. You could just sit back and passively listen to people's voices perform for you in your own home, and people loved it! At least until the radio was very quickly overtaken by this new invention called a television. A new dimension was added to the content being broadcast into people's homes. The once loved radio drama's seemed to fade away into dust, never to be heard from again. Until this thing called the internet was invented. Along side with a from of web syndication called RSS.
    Suddenly, audio only entertainment had a reassurance in popularity. You could subscribe to any creator you wanted through software that was compatible with RSS. Essentially creating a large amount of new, independent "radio stations" or channels. Just like radio was, but prerecorded and available to download at any time.
    One result of this resurgence, was an audio drama called "Welcome to Nightvale." The story is told through the perspective a radio station in the heart of the town. The entire story is simply the news that is being broadcast from this radio station. This seemingly simple story at first glance, continues on to break down the fabric of reality itself. I could be exaggerating, but honestly I don't even know if I am. It really is impossible to explain the story to anyone who hasn't listened to it themselves. It's energetic, it's relaxing, and it's just plain weird. Just a warning, if you get easily paranoid, you may want to skip this one. The faceless old woman who secretly lives in your home might start whispering things to you in your sleep.

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