Thursday, December 8, 2016

Lets take a look back.

Third year of college is half way over and home stretch is upon us. Only a few more days and I'll be headed back home to gorgeous Southern California. Being a first year student here at Huntington University, transferring from a Junior College in California, has definitely been a change of culture and climate for myself. First thing first, is understanding the culture behind the town of Huntington and what it represents. Huntington is a Christian town that I've got to learn about during my time here so far.  It's a big difference of pace of lifestyle compared to where I come from because in California it feels that time is rushed and everyone is consistently in a hurry. Here in Huntington the pace of life is real mellow and laid back and one of the reasons why I've loved it here so far.  The Christian culture in the beginning was hard to adapt to because of how hard it was pressed upon students here on campus. I didn't grow up in a Christian family so it was difficult to understand it and adapt to it all together. As a student here, I've had to filter my personality differently from ways that I would normally act in certain situations but I've come to a point in the school year that I've learned how to cope with the culture change for me. Along with the cold weather here in the Midwest is definitely a factor that is kicking my behind pretty good. Never have I ever experienced snowfall and cold weather of 20 or below, so expect me to be walking around campus with numbers of layers wrapped around me just to stay warm. But I look forward to continuing out the rest of my years here and making memories while doing so.

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