Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The Connecting of Hearts (Pt2)

  In my previous article I talked a bit about a show called Kokoro Connect. I touched on the basic concepts that it brings to the table. If anything that I touched on in that article sounds even remotely interesting to you. I encourage you to read on through this article, where I'm going to begin explaining in more detail what exactly happens during the series. These topics are not light and some of it can begin to fall down a rocky path.
        The majority of the scenarios presented can start with a "what if" question. What would happen if no one could have any secrets anymore? What would happen if you deepest fears and you deepest desires were revealed for everyone to see. What if at random times your thoughts were broadcast to everyone in the room? These are just a few of the scenarios presented within this anime.
            When people are subjected to this type of torment they begin to break down, but just like any good story the characters change and learn from the trials they are thrown into. The "torture" in this show is almost exclusively psychological, with a few exceptions. What the enemy doesn't know, or maybe they do, is that they are creating the most solid and unbreakable group of friends to ever exist on planet earth.

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