Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Another Question

So I like to question things, its sort of this past time that keeps my mind busy. So to finish out this blogging project I'm going to questions.

So this has been on my mind recently. Do we, as young adults/grown people do things or enjoy certain things or have habits that we can't explain because those things started when we were an adolescence?

Now as crazy as this theory sounds the thought came to my head when I was talking to my parents. I have this thing about facial hair (I know, weird, just keep an open mind) but it's not like some attraction, it's a comfort thing. It feel like home. Its one of those things I can't explained and I don't choose to explain, but as I was trying to relay this to my parents my mom gave me this piece of information.

         During my adoption process I was placed in the care of a foster family in Guatemala for six months. My foster father had facial hair. And according to my parents I was quite  attached to him and hair in general.

It just makes me think or wonder if theres something deep inside me that feeds my motivations and my personality that began in the early months and years of me being an adolescent.

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