Friday, December 9, 2016

Why I Feel the AR-15 Needs to Find Its Way Out of the News.

          If guns are not your thing, they are not your thing. Guns are my thing. I have sold them, built them, trained people to use them, lobbied federal laws at the capitol for them, and of course shot them. They are my thing.
          There is a certain gun though that seems to be brought into the news ever so often. I will not try to state the legitimacy of why people should be able to own one. I will not try to say anything that has already been repeated to death.
          I have heard many of my peers in St. Louis and here at HU describe the AR-15. If they hate it and think that it is morally wrong to own one or want one, they demonize it. If they love guns and support everything gun they cling to their morals and say that everyone should have one. I can stand these conversations even though I find myself pestered by both. What I can not stand though is when either side of the media describes this rifle. The media is quick to talk about their "expertise" concerning it. In reality, it is one of the things they are misinforming people of the most. Because of this, I think that none of them have the right to talk about it. This would apply to something like the weather or a car accident or any other news story. If you are going to continually pass information off about something that is incorrect, get it out of the news. I know this is nothing new with the news, but I wanted to say why.

(on the left is what people think an AR-15 is, on the right is an actual one.)
(also, common a common myth is that the "AR" in AR-15 stands for "assault-rifle-15". this is untrue. it sands for "Armalite Rifle -15", the original company that designed it.)

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