Friday, December 9, 2016

Cinema Sins: No Movie Is Without a Sin

Are you ready to have your favorite films ruined by...ahem..."these guys"? Jeremy Scott and Chris Atkinson are the creators of the Youtube Channel Cinema Sins. Since its birth in 2012, they have branched out into other spinoff channels, like Brand Sins, Music Video Sins, etc. They primarily heckle all the aspects of a certain film they think makes the actual film suck. "No movie is without a Sin."

The common tactics films used that the duo point out include:

- The use of an apple makes the person look like an a**hole.
- Discounts: when a person, a place or a thing looks like something from another film but it isn't. An example would be in a video on The Force Awakens, the planet Jakku was a discount Tatooine.
- ex-machinas: No, not the movie, the term means something that appears literally out of nowhere, like when a cartoon character suddenly whips out a mallet to beat someone.
- (a joke hopefully) There is nudity but no lap dance.
- continuity issues
- plot holes
- anything that character does (littering, etc.)
- and many more (I just sinned myself by finding a way out of explaining things)

Jeremy is the main voice of the sins. He goes through the entire film pointing out all the things wrong with it. Ironically, he is kind enough to bleep out f*** and sh*t, but is okay saying anything else. Sometimes a sin is so bad he adds more to the sin counter. In Furious 7, he sinned 1000 points to Bryan and Dom jumping through the three buildings There are some instances when he has a saving grace for the film and removes sins, like when someone does a badass thing. One awesome was when he removed 5 sins without question Return of the Jedi when Leia appears in her slave bikini outfit.

At the end of the movie, he tallies up the sins and gives the film a sentence. The sentence would often be something funny a character said in the film, or something related to whatever he said in the video. Even worse there would be a bonus round. One of my favorite bonus rounds was counting the number of times the names "Jack" and "Rose" appeared in Titanic; over 200 times.

If you wait long enough after the "Like and Subscribe" bit, Jeremy reveals some edits to the film where he takes sound bytes from other films and applies them to the said film. A common one is having the opening part of "The Circle of Life" where a big, bright sun is involved. Another is when a character jumps from a massive height, you hear the bit from The Fugitive: "We got a Peter Pan right here off of this dam right here."

I only watched the ones about movies I actually seen, and I recommend that too, unless you don't care how the movie goes; Jeremy even warns you of spoilers (duh!). After watching so many of them, I can never look at movies the same way again.

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