Wednesday, December 7, 2016

F.P.S.U: Conclusion

     Obama seems confused, you know why? Because he is.  This guy just got out of office, and now you have George W. Bush, in his face, saying that he has been ordered to be partners with Obama.

Wait…you’re lost again aren’t you, ok go read this post and then come back to this one.

     Now that you’re caught up, W Bush is frustrated because he now has to work with Obama because he is without a partner.  We all know where Bill is, so W Bush is alone.  Obama by no means wants to work with W Bush, but they must, because the FPSU needs to protect Washington DC and the world as a whole in this time of transition.

     Like what was previously said, HW Bush and Carter are getting up there and age, and are back at home base holding down the FPSU fort.  Bill is always distracted with his FBI….business, and the only two viable options at this point are Bush and Obama.  So here we are, W Bush and Obama, going against the Illuminati.

     That’s right.  The Illuminati are already planted in the white house.  And now that there is a new president, he is vulnerable.  The mission now is for the FPSU, never caught never seen never conquered, to somehow protect their former residence from being overthrown and the country being taken over by the Illuminati.

     How will they do this?  How are W Bush and brand new member Obama going to coincide to defeat this evil?

     Will Bill ever return from Female Body Inspecting?  
     Probably not.

     Well, this is my last post on this website, for the time being, so now the question is will you see or hear if the FPSU successfully completes this task? Only time will tell.

     Only time will tell…