Wednesday, December 7, 2016


This movie was great its a story of Coraline a girl who moved to a new home. She goes out the first day because wanted to look for a well. so she grabs a dowsing rod (its poison oak) and starts looking. She meets this kids named Whyborn (not kidding thats his name) who comes running up to her in a creepy mask on a bike with motor sounds. After this she goes home and finds a door behind the wall paper. She has her mom get the key and open the door but nothing was there just some bricks. That night she see a mouse and she follows it (what could go wrong) the mouse takes her to the door behind the wallpaper. She opens it to a different world the world is full of her favorite things her parents aren't to busy with their work. Its her wonderland. Its a great movie about would you want what you have with your family or a world that seems to perfect. Its a great movie if you like something that is a bit out there or a bit weird I recommend this. The story is great, the characters are great, everything in this movie is great if you don't mind doing some digging to get everything in this movie.
Image result for Coraline

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